tisdag 6 oktober 2009

Carina Fihn The spectrum of resistence

Torsdag den 8 t.o.m. lördag 10 oktober visar Carina Fihn The spectrum of resistence i Galleri Konstepidemin som en del av Satellitprogrammet i biennalen. Sex videoporträtt beskriver sex möten med sju kvinnor, Geneve, New York, Paris 2006 - 2009.
Galleriet är öppet på fredagens Kulturnatta kl. 18 - 23. Hela programmet för kvällen finns på Konstepidemins hemsida.

On Thursday 8 until Saturday 10 Oct Carina Fihn will show The spectrum of resistence in the Konstepidemin Gallery, as part of the Biennial Satellite program. Six video portraits - six encounters with seven women, Geneve, New York and Paris 2006 - 2009.
The gallery will be open during the Kulturnatta/Culture Night event on Friday evening, 6 - 11 pm. Find the whole program at the Konstepidemin webpage.

"But one does not like to leave such remarkable a letter as yours - a letter perhaps unique in the history of human correspondence, since when before has an educated man asked a woman how in her opinion war can be prevented? - unanswered. Therefore, let us make the attempt; even if it is doomed to failure."
Virginia Woolf/Three guineas 1938

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