I galleriet, Pannrummet OCH Galleri hnoss visar HDK, Högskolan för Design och Konsthantverk, årets examensutställning: Smycke-, keramik- & textilkonst, grundnivå. Handens arbete, experimentlusta, tidens betydelse i sexton kandidatstudenters examensarbeten. Utställningen pågår t.o.m. 18 juni. Se alla studenternas presentationer här...
In the gallery, Pannrummet AND Hnoss Gallery: Graduation exhibition for the students in Jewellery, Ceramic and Textile Art BA level from HDK - School of Design and Crafts, University of Gothenburg. The work of the hand, the experiment, the importance of time. Sixteen bachelor students show their graduation projects in Applied Arts until June 18.
See their presentations here...
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